Tuesday 27 February 2018

Rare Identical Newborn Triplets 'Doing Better Than Expected'

Meet Ron, Elkanah and Abishai — a rare set of identical triplets born in Kansas City, Mo., last week.

The trio, born six weeks premature, is still learning life skills like eating and breathing in the Truman Medical Center’s NICU, but “they’re doing very well,” neonatologist Dr. Josh Petrikin told InsideEdition.com.

“When you come a month and a half early, you’re at risk for all sorts of complications,” Petrikin said. “These boys don’t seem to realize that and are doing better than expected for their gestational age.”

While statistics vary, Petrikin estimates the likelihood of identical triplets is one in a million.

Parents Nicole and Caleb Choge said they learned of the pregnancy during an ultrasound while they were living in Kenya.

Source : Yahoo

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