Tuesday 27 February 2018

Why Donald Trump Constantly Makes Promises He Doesn't Intend to Keep

You may not be surprised that Donald Trump hasn’t kept a number of promises as president, but you should be.

It’s a truism that politicians make promises they don’t intend to keep, but decades of academic research has actually shown the opposite: that presidents try to keep an average of about two-thirds of their campaign pledges.

That’s not exactly the case in the current administration, however. In several notable cases, President Trump has either directly broken a promise — such as his vow to release his tax returns — or simply not taken action on an idea — such as his pledge to enact term limits on members of Congress.

To be fair, it’s only Trump’s first year in office, and he still has time to follow through on some of his promises. But he’s also had a Republican-controlled Congress and could have taken action personally or through executive order on some of these pledges.

Source : Yahoo

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