Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Greg Gutfeld: Rehab for Trump-haters in 3 easy steps!

At the gym, Sunday morning, CNN was on, and that bald guy was struggling with ways to interpret Donald Trump's "moods."

It was fantastic and hilarious:  talking about "moods" and interpreting jokes, once again, as serious pronouncements. 

It was like watching someone trying to describe their drug trip -- but no one else took the same drug.

I get it: Trump worries, concerns and scares the media. But rather than step out of this hyperbolic world of pain, they continue to indulge their panic until they're left in comical exasperation.

So what's the remedy?

First of all, once you accept that Trump is unique (for better or worse - this is no judgment on greatness or incompetence - just that he's unique) -- then you have three options:

Source : foxnews

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