Sunday 4 March 2018

It's falling in popularity but being married is brilliant – try it

I stand before you as an emissary for a cool and obscure minority. You see, I am one of a dying breed. I am married. Statistically, nobody else in the country is married. Not even my wife.

Marriage between opposite-sex couples has fallen to an all-time low. The Office for National Statistics has revealed that just 239,020 marriages took place in 2015, almost half the number that took place in 1940, and people are in uproar about it. “Britain already languishes in shame at the bottom of the developed world league table for family stability,” said a spokesperson from the Marriage Foundation, which is apparently a thing, on hearing the news.

Worse still, the age of people getting married is also increasing. The average newlywed is now 36 years old, which means that marriage has become a solidly middle-aged activity. The only people who get married any more are people who enjoy laughing at Jeremy Vine’s radio programme while driving their Volvo to Homebase. I haven’t researched this, but I’m certain that most wedding lists now just contain requests for Werthers Originals and vouchers for a Bupa hip replacement.

Source : theguardian

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