Monday, 12 March 2018

Jason Isaacs: ‘I want to punch walls’

Traditionally, journalists and actors are supposed to spend the first half, at least, of their allotted time together in some airless hotel room politely discussing The Work – by which I mean the star’s latest project, whether magnificent or corny. But tradition can go hang. Thanks to Harvey Weinstein and all that has followed in the months since his disgrace, such encounters have a strange new energy, a directness that makes short shrift of such matters as awards season and the ordeal of the red carpet. Journalists want to know if the atmosphere in meetings and on set has changed and, if so, whether such a shift is likely to be permanent; their interviewees accept that, for whatever reason, such questions cannot be ducked. For the time being, then, a certain amount of soul-searching is the order of the day.

But perhaps Jason Isaacs would always have been desperate to talk about something other than Monster Family, an animated movie in which he hammily voices Dracula. For one thing, he still hasn’t seen it. For another, far too much of his head space is currently occupied by Donald Trump, a man for whom his fear and loathing seemingly know no bounds. “I’m not a breakfast television presenter,” he says. “I find it hard to go from ‘this fucking monster’ to ‘by the way, my new film opens next week’.

Source : foxnews

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