Sunday 11 March 2018

Review: Picasso at Tate Modern

One of the best things about Tate Modern's Picasso exhibition is it contains some terrible art. I mean real howlers. Paintings in which we see the modern master fluffing his lines and losing his form.

It's such a relief.

Not because we learn he is fallible like the rest of us - we're not idiots, we know artists aren't gods - but it shows the exhibition's curators had the confidence and integrity to tell the whole story of Pablo Picasso in 1932 - his so-called annus mirabilis - and not palm us off with a superficial Now That's What I Call Picasso '32: Greatest Hits compilation.

I'm not saying the show is packed with turkeys, far from it. But there are enough duds for you to be able to appreciate those moments when the prolific Spaniard went into masterpiece mode, as he did with Nude in a Black Armchair.

Source : bbc

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