Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Tens of thousands of dead sea creatures wash up on British beach

When British photographer Lara Maiklem heard tens of thousands of sea creatures washed up on a beach near her hometown of Kent, England, over the weekend she had to see the scene for herself. So, she woke her 5-year-old twins in time to catch the tide.

Maiklem described the scene as "shocking" and "sad," but at the same time, she had to admit it was an "incredible" sight. In fact, it was "almost biblical in scale," she added.

"There were thousands upon thousands of starfish, with crabs, sea urchins, fish and sea anenomies mixed in with them," Maiklem told Fox News. "Someone even found a lobster."

The creatures covered the sandy beach like a thick blanket. Maiklem and her two kids tried to rescue as many fish as they could, tossing them one by one back into the sea.

 Source : foxnews

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