Tuesday, 27 February 2018

He disarmed a possible church shooter — then the police arrived and shot him

 Tony Garces was still reeling from his injuries on Tuesday, nearly two weeks after he disarmed a possible church shooter in Amarillo, Texas — and was then shot by police.

Speaking to NBC News by phone from his hospital room at Heart Hospital of Northwest Texas, Garces, 54, said that he was admitted to the emergency room on Monday with a blood clot in his lung.

On the morning of Feb. 14 — the same day as the Florida school shooting that killed 17 kids and teachers — Garces wrestled a handgun away from a man who had entered the chapel at Faith City Mission and threatened to hold church attendees hostage.

But a responding officer fired at Garces, striking him twice — once in the back and once above his collar bone, his lawyer, Jeff Blackburn, said in an interview.

“I don’t know how that punctured a lung but it did,” Blackburn said.

In a Feb. 14 statement, the Amarillo Police Department appeared to confirm Garces’ account, saying an initial investigation determined that police fired at a man who’d disarmed a would-be hostage taker in a church with 100 people in its chapel.

 Source : nbcnews

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