Friday 23 February 2018

Shaken but unbowed, Florida survivors recount horrific stories as they lobby for change

“The door started to rattle and the thought that came to my mind was that I was going to die.”

Untold stories from the high school shooting in Florida a week ago came tumbling out, alongside the anger their horrific experiences had fuelled, as students came to their state capital to lobby for change on Wednesday.

Lorenzo Prado, 17, wept as he told how he had at first been mistaken for the shooter during the rampage that killed 14 of his fellow students and three teachers, including his sports coach.

“The Swat team came in and I thought they were here to rescue me ... but I find I am wrong. They told me to put my hands over my head ... and when I went out the doors I had six Swat pointing their guns at me,” he continued.

Source : Yahoo News

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