Sunday 11 March 2018

Our Father: Reflections on the Lord's Prayer by Pope Francis

In his new book, "Our Father: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer," Pope Francis offers his insights into some of Jesus’s most profound words. In this excerpt from the book, the Pope discusses the importance of spiritual fatherhood.

The first thing needed is this: that the father be present in the family. That he be close to his wife, to share everything, joys and sorrows, hardships and hopes. A father needs to be close to the children as they grow up; when they are playing and when they are working on a task; when they are carefree and when they are troubled. He needs to be there when they are outgoing and when they are withdrawn; when they are daring and when they are fearful; when they make a misstep and when they get back on track; the father must be present, always. Being present does not mean being in control! Because fathers who control too much are crushing their children, they are not letting them grow up.

Source : foxnews

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