Monday 12 March 2018

The Observer view on talks between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un

Will Donald Trump ever meet Kim Jong-un? It is a reasonable question, given the US leader’s changeable moods and the fact that the North Korean dictator has yet to issue an official invitation. Trump could barely contain his excitement last week after a South Korean delegation passed on Kim’s suggestion of a meeting by May. He appeared unannounced in the White House briefing room to tip off reporters that big news was about to break.

But Trump’s exhilaration was not about averting the nuclear Armageddon he himself so recently threatened. It was about his chance of securing a place in history as the man who “solved” the 70-year-old Korean conundrum. Trump saw a golden chance to posture as peacemaker before an admiring world. So without consulting his closest and better-informed advisers, he took Kim’s bait.

Source : foxnews

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