Monday 26 February 2018

Hillary Clinton to speak at Yale graduation event

Yale University on Monday announced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will speak at its prestigious “Class Day” ceremony.

The school’s Class Day co-chairs told the senior class Monday night that Clinton, a 1973 graduate of Yale Law School, would speak at the event in New Haven, Connecticut, on May 20, the Yale Daily News reported.

Class Day is scheduled the day before the Ivy League school’s commencement ceremony.

“When Secretary Clinton spoke at her Wellesley graduation in 1969, she told her class that their challenge was ‘to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible possible,’” event co-chair Josh Hochman told the student newspaper.

“The ‘impossible’ world Secretary Clinton imagined in 1969 is not yet won — yet it will be if our generation dares to emulate her life of resilient and courageous service," Hochman added.

Source : foxnews

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